Caution: Spirit Falling? Worship Theology

The above image was adapted from (with whom I have a subscription).
In prepping for our Christmas Series based on Isaiah 61 I had a group of people read the entire passage and then we started asking questions like, what would a seeker, a new believer and a mature believer have questions about as they read this. I was struck by the quick response of what does it mean for the Spirit of the Lord to be upon me. Initially I was a little overwhelmed since I was preaching the first Sunday of the series and would have to address this topic in front of our congregation. But after thinking about it I realized that I’m really excited about this message.

As a worship leader I’ve struggled over the last couple of years with the role of the Holy Spirit in worship. Coming from a theological stream of Christians that are not Charismatic and uneasy about anything construed as “Pentecostal” I feel like I’ve had to overcome a lot of unhelpful attitudes and misunderstandings about what God’s Spirit does and does not do. We like to sing out loud the Doxology of Praise Father, Son, and then whisper under our breath “Holy Ghost”. Continue reading